GDPR Consent

                                                                                                                           RESIDENT Survey


Google Forms RESIDENTS Survey

Google Forms BUSINESS Survey 


If you wish to receive a hard copy of either survey, please contact the Town Council Office on 01977 681024 or

call in Tuesday-Fridays from 9am-3pm (12noon on Friday)

Neighbourhood planning* gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. They are able to choose where they want new homes, shops and offices to be built and have their say on what those new buildings should look like and what infrastructure should be provided. Neighbourhood planning provides a powerful set of tools for local people to plan for the types of development to meet their community’s needs and where the ambition of the neighbourhood is aligned with the strategic needs and priorities of the wider local area.

*see the .gov website for more info                   ADVERTISEMENT 

Sherburn in Elmet Neighbourhood Development Plan

Sherburn in Elmet Neighbourhood Development Plan - is an initiative led by the Town Council to determine new planning policies which will carry legal and statutory weight.  From economic development, to conservation and heritage and, of course, new homes; this Plan will be an essential building block for the future of the town – working alongside North Yorkshire Council as they prepare their own Local Plan.

At a meeting of the Town Council on 19th January 2024, the Council agreed to apply to North Yorkshire Council for Sherburn to be a designated Neighbourhood Area. This is the very first step in creating a Neighbourhood Development Plan. An application has been submitted to North Yorkshire Council (the Local Planning Authority). The application has to go through a consultation phase in the same way as a planning application and the Council should hear by April 2024. The Council has also made a successful grant application to Locality and received their first tranche of funding to progress the partnership working with the agreed NDP Consultants: Mike Dando and David Gluck.

 Neighbourhood Area Designation - On the 6th June 2024, the Council were officially granted consent for the parish to be a designated Neighbourhood Area by North Yorkshire Council.  The recommendation report can be found below.  To see the designation on the North Yorkshire website, follow the link:  Decision - Designation of Sherburn in Elmet Parish as a Neighbourhood Area | North Yorkshire Council

The Council has approved to create a Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group Committee under the Council’s Committee structure. The Terms of Reference for this group can be viewed here alongside other key documentation:

Terms of Reference – NDP Steering Group Committee

Recommendation Report for Neighbourhood Area Designation

Statement of Community Involvement

Application letter to NYC to become a Neighbourhood Designated Area

Get in Touch – Introductory leaflet for Sherburn in Elmet NDP 

Neighbourhood Planning Explained – Sherburn Town Council 

Your Place, Your Plan – Sherburn in Elmet NDP

SIE TC NDP Future Consultations Note 23 June 2024.pdf 

SIE TC Design Codes Paper 23 June 2024.pdf 

Further Information

Should you have any further queries about the Sherburn Neighbourhood Development Plan please contact the town council at or telephone 01977 681024.

What is a Neighbourhood Development Plan? Please follow the links below to see other key documentation and a step by step roadmap:

NDP Roadmap 

Neighbourhood Planning Guidance - A Guide for Local Communities (SDC)

The NDP sets out the planning vision for our local community through to 2040.  It will address what makes Sherburn in Elmet Town unique today, whilst setting out how we can nurture and enhance our rural environment in the future.  An NDP is the most local part of the planning hierarchy.  When adopted, the NDP forms statutory guidance to County planning officers when making local planning decisions.  It will sit alongside the Selby Local Plan (once adopted), the North Yorkshire Plan and National Government planning policy and targets.

The NDP covers the area of Sherburn in Elmet parish boundary. Over the next 18 months to two years, the Town Council have created and will coordinate a working group (the NDP Steering Group Committee), supported by external consultants to develop the plan. The project has so far, and will be funded by a series of central government grants.

We are already working with



Visions and Values 2024 and beyond to 2040

 For a look at our visions and planning for 2024-25 please follow this link

Our Vision Statement for the NDP is currently being written after holding our first couple of meetings. It will be published here shortly.

NDP Steering Group Committee Meetings

To view the agendas and minutes of the NDP Steering Group, please follow our main tab or click HERE:

Council>Meetings, Minutes, Agendas>Neighbourhood Development Plan