Meetings, Agendas and Minutes

Meetings for Full Council and it's committees are usually held on a Monday evening to which residents are welcome to attend.


Full Council Meetings are usually held on the first and third Monday of the month at 7.15pm


The Personnel Committee usually meet once a quarter unless there is a matter that needs to be discussed urgently.


 Agenda and Minutes will be uploaded for Committee and Full Council meetings as they become available.

Council meetings

Full Council

Full Council meetings are usually held on the first and third Monday of the month. Please see the Full Council page for details of the meetings and agendas

Planning Committee

The Planning Committee is not currently active. All planning matters are being considered by Sherburn in Elmet Town Council at its monthly meetings

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee meet to consider all staffing related matters

Asset Management & Event Committee

The Asset Management & Events Committee is not currently active. All these matters are being considered by Sherburn in Elmet Town Council at its monthly meetings