Roadworks and Traffic Restrictions
Published: 21 August 2024
Bishopdyke Road, Sherburn-in-elmet, North Yorkshire
23 August - 23 August
Delays likely - Road closure
Name: Bishopdyke Road, Sherburn-in-elmet
Location: Hurricane Way
Description: Streetworks / License - Streetworks
Responsibility for event: North Yorkshire Council
Current status: Planned
Bishopdyke Road, Sherburn-in-elmet, North Yorkshire
23 August - 23 August
Delays likely - Diversion route
Name: ADR - Bishopdyke Road, Sherburn-in-elmet
Location: Bishopdyke Road
Description: Streetworks / License - Streetworks
Responsibility for event: North Yorkshire Council
Current status: Planned
Biggin Lane to Biggin Bridge, North Yorkshire
22 August - 22 August
Delays likely - Diversion route
Name: Diversion
Location: Biggin Lane To Biggin Bridge
Description: Streetworks / License - Streetworks
Responsibility for event: North Yorkshire Council
Current status: Planned
Fenton Lane, Sherburn-in-elmet, North Yorkshire
28 August - 16 September
Roadworks, Delays likely
Traffic management: Traffic control (two-way signals)
Description: New Connection - Excavate and locate cable, joint new cable and reinstate excavations, including 4 x high voltage joint bays, installation high voltage cable and jointing.
Works location: Outside The Maltings to Outside Sub Station
Public facing description: has automatically assigned a category of New Connection to this Works based on the information available. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Northern Powergrid.
Responsibility for works: Northern Powergrid
Current status: Planned work about to start
Works reference: QA752U19023951H
Hurricane Way, Sherburn-in-elmet, North Yorkshire
23 August - 23 August
Roadworks, Delays likely
Traffic management: Road closure
Description: GMU to inlay patch 4no marked carriageway defects @ 40mm depth
Works location: Near sainsburys entrance
Responsibility for works: North Yorkshire Council
Current status: Planned work about to start
Works reference: JB400G-MAIN-A7-59508
Kirkgate, Sherburn-in-elmet, North Yorkshire
27 August - 29 August
Roadworks, Delays likely
Traffic management: Traffic control (two-way signals)
Description: Install new water supply connection
Public facing description: Yorkshire Water has not assigned a specific description to this Works. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Yorkshire Water.
Responsibility for works: Yorkshire Water
Current status: Planned work about to start
Works reference: QB091282822780060
Low Street, South Milford, North Yorkshire
26 August - 30 August
Roadworks, Delays likely
Traffic management: Road closure
Description: Connection to existing main sewer in Roadway from New development 1-4 Cresta Close (Previously connected via 16 Low Street)nFrom in between 1 & 2 Cresta close (unadopted road), across from the Western footpath & carriageway with a max 500mm width trench a 150mm Pipe to saddle into the existing mains sewer. Existing exposed in a 1200x800mm trench on the Eastern roadway (Eastern footpath unaffected). All trenches 1500mm Deep.
Works location: Outside new development 1-4 Cresta Close (previously 16 Low Street)
Responsibility for works: North Yorkshire Council
Current status: Advanced planning
Works reference: JB050HW_1660_08_2024_07